Olivier CAPRA  – Grip Force: A New Cognitive Indicator of the Perception of Digital Interactions

Jeudi 03 Avril 2025
Amphi 018, 14 boulevard Vauban, Lille

Olivier Capra is a research scientist in cognitive neuroscience at the Anthropo-Lab (ETHICS – EA7446) of the Université Catholique de Lille. His work, grounded in a neurophysiological and Bayesian approach, explores Human-Machine Interactions (HMI) and the underlying brain mechanisms involved in their perception and integration.

Summary of the presentation

With the widespread adoption of Human-Machine Interactions (HMI) and the rise of autonomous systems, how does our brain perceive and process interactions where human and artificial contributions intertwine? And what if a simple finger press could reveal how we perceive and interpret the world?

This seminar explores the Grip Force paradigm as an objective indicator of the perceptual-cognitive processing of digital interactions. It draws on electronic music, where the dissociation between gesture and sound production provides valuable methodological insights into understanding the perceptual and cognitive dynamics involved in observing digital interactions. We will examine how the Bayesian approach contributes to the development of tools for exploring these dynamics and refining the quantification of observers’ experiences in digital interactions.

Non-experts welcome!
This presentation is designed to be multidisciplinary and is not specifically aimed at experts in cognitive neuroscience or HCI. The methodological, epistemological, and statistical aspects presented may be of interest to psychologists, experimental economists, behavioral scientists, philosophers, and artists.

Interested ?! please let me know: Marie Pelé (marie.pele@univ-catholille.fr)